Heads up designer purse enthusiast! Take heed as I have seen plenty of these counterfeits being sold in handbag groups. (Claiming to be authentic) Always err on the safe side. Ask the seller for the authenticity certificate. When in doubt, reach out to us as we do offer an authentication service at a very affordable price. $25/certificate for that peace of mind, you deserve to get what you paid for.đđ
Here are sample photos taken from fake Gucci Marmont side by side with our authentic Gucci marmont. Gucci is one of the most copied brand to date. For the untrained eye, it will be difficult to determine which is which. Here are some of the tips we would like to share based from our years of experience selling designer handbags. đ note: these are just general things to look out for, each designer piece may have different design variations.
âAlways err on the safe side, ask for an authenticity Certificate. You deserve what you paid for.â
- outer material- counterfeits will have matt finish and plenty of creasing, wont hold its shape well. Soft to touch.
- stitches- counterfeits has bigger holes and thicker stitchings, some areas have uneven stitches
- hardware logo- Counterfeits will have a thicker/ round tip GG logo with striking gold tone.
- zipper hardware- authentic ones will have Gucci logo (proper font) engraved under the zipper, not stamped.
- QR codes- may or may not be present, unreadable
- serial number - counterfeit will have an uneven/ larger font
We hope this helps! Please feel free to message us if you have any questions!
~ â¤ď¸MiNaz